Skip to contentSchoolwide & Classroom Performance
- CAASPP, Interim Assessment, and local assessment data analysis
- Single and multi-year view
- Cohort progression
- Student transiency impact
Interim/Local Assessment Alignment
- Correlation analysis between CAASPP, Interim Assessments, and local assessments
Curriculum Rigor Analysis & Selection
- Analyzation of curriculum for appropriate rigor, CAASPP alignment, and selection support
Schoolwide & Classroom Performance
- CAASPP, Interim Assessment, and local assessment data analysis
- Single and multi-year view
- Cohort progression
- Student transiency impact
Interim/Local Assessment Alignment
- Correlation analysis between CAASPP, Interim Assessments, and local assessments
Curriculum Rigor Analysis & Selection
- Analyzation of curriculum for appropriate rigor, CAASPP alignment, and selection support