Application Process
  • Coordinate application process with your state agency
  • Oversee vended meal and Food Service Management Contract

Program Implementation
  • Provide staff training on all NSLP regulations
  • Process all meal applications using School Food Authority (SFA) software
  • Send home all notification letters to households
  • Perform verification process and report to the state

Program Management
  • Review all meal data and submit monthly meal claims
  • Monitor program compliance through onsite audits
  • Reconcile vendor invoices and meal production records
Application Process
  • Coordinate application process with your state agency
  • Oversee vended meal and Food Service Management Contract

Program Implementation
  • Provide staff training on all NSLP regulations
  • Process all meal applications using School Food Authority (SFA) software
  • Send home all notification letters to households
  • Perform verification process and report to the state

Program Management
  • Review all meal data and submit monthly meal claims
  • Monitor program compliance through onsite audits
  • Reconcile vendor invoices and meal production records